is an online platform for teaching the Islamic Quran to people.



30-Minute Class Pricing

Plan A

1 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 4 Classes / Month
  • 2 hours / month

Plan B

2 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 8 Classes / Month
  • 4 hours / month

Plan C

3 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 12 Classes / Month
  • 6 hours / month

Plan D

4 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 16 Classes / Month
  • 8 hours / month

Plan E

5 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 20 Classes / Month
  • 10 hours / month

Plan F

6 day/week


  • Monthly
  • 10$/hour instead of 12.5$
  • 24 Classes / Month
  • 12 hours / month